Monday, August 19, 2013


It's been a while!

I can't deny that I've been busy. I believe my last post was just before I turned 21, and now that I've reached that mighty milestone, all my time is just being swallowed up!

I'll start things off with a few highlights from last month:

On the day before my birthday, Kam took me out to dinner with his family at a nice little Italian place. His family gave us some very nice camping supplies for his family campout that's coming up. I also got an orchid, which I put on my new desk at work!

Unfortunately, Kam had also thrown out his back, so that was the end of celebrations for a little while. That meant we got to share our first experience with a chiropractor. We were recommended to one by a friend, and he did seem to help Kam feel a lot better. Although, the pulling and yanking and cracking did freak both of us out a little. Kam really doesn't like cracking his neck, and that was where the chiropractor started, and without much warning. I'm not sure who was more nervous, but I think it might have been me. I don't want anyone to break my husband, thank you very much.

After Kam was feeling a little better, he took me on a birthday date to Goodwood (yummy ribs!) and then to see Wolverine at an early showing. The best of both worlds. You don't have to be patient and wait until the second day it's been out, but you don't have to stay up all night and then die at work the next morning, either. Hooray early showings! The movie wasn't quite what I was expecting, but it had Hugh Jackman, and that's fun for me. And lots of ninjas, which is fun for Kam.

Kam and I also decided we needed to take a little vacation before school started, so on the fly we planned a little staycation in Park City for the following weekend. That was a really interesting adventure. Let me just say we learned a lot of things about vacation planning. Like when you book a hotel for one night, you have to leave early in the morning, and that the art festival in Park City is not an event you can choose to forgo if you're staying on Main Street. And that you should find out what town is actually holding the Demo Derby before you buy tickets. But all that said, we still had a really good time. We got a taste of the high life one night with all the art festival and sushi dinner and jacuzzi in our hotel room and whatnot. And then the next evening we got a taste of the other side of western entertainment, at the Coalville Demo Derby. Both very... new cultural experiences. I decided afterward that part of the reason people take vacations is so that they'll appreciate their own towns a little more by the time they're going back. The hotel was my favorite part. It had air conditioning, for one thing. :)

Kam and I started making freezer meals! We experimented with it for just a week's worth of meals and then decided it was worth it enough to make a month's worth. So we set aside 4 hours, cut up 16 bajillion onions, and set to work. It was a long day, but I definitely don't regret it now! They're all slow cooker meals, so it solves the "It's 6:30, and I just got home from work, and I'm hungry now, so I don't want to start cooking now, I want to eat!" problem. It also solves our, "Ok, well, then let's just go out to eat." problem. And our, "But we eat out so much... It costs too much and it's not that good for you, and I really should just go home and cook, but I don't even know what we have in the house to cook, so you're right let's go eat I guess." problem. So that's great! I'll have to post links to the recipes we've tried and liked. I've pulled recipes from about 4 or 5 pins on my neverending pinterest board of foods I wish I were eating.

And finally, I graduated college! This has been one of my greatest dreams for I can't remember how long. I do remember first learning about when my mom graduated because I saw all those pictures of her wearing a funny hat. So I made sure to take plenty of funny hat pictures for my daughter to look at some day. It was also really cool to watch the people before me get their Masters in Information Systems degrees, because I know that's where Kam will be in a few years, and I just thought to myself, "Man! Kam's going to get cool robes!" Seriously. My robes were almost exactly the same ones I wore in High School. Color and everything. But Masters robes look like Hogwarts! You get a pointy hood and everything! Kam's going to look so cool. Actually walking and having all my family there was a really amazing feeling, though. I told some people it was the first thing that really made me feel grown up. I mean. I'm the youngest person at work, so sometimes I just feel like and anomaly, and I didn't know when I'd be getting married for most of my life. I didn't expect it to be as soon as it was. So I did feel a little young. But I went to school for 15 years, and even though I still graduated one year early, 15 years is a long time to know you want something. I told Kam that getting married and graduating college were two of my biggest bucket list items, and he said, "Well, I guess you can die now, then." And I said, "No, I haven't learned Spanish, yet." (That's not my third priority in the list or anything. I was just trying to make a point.)

My little brother also got baptized this weekend. That was a really cool experience for me not only because I love my brother, but because he's the youngest, and now all of my siblings have been baptized, and it's just kind of a cool feeling. And also because Joey asked Kam to baptize him. Kam did such a good job making sure Joey knew what was going on and felt comfortable. I'm very protective of my siblings, and Joey being the youngest, I probably baby him the most. So it really impresses me to know how much Joey seems to look up to Kam. They're both doing good things and I'm proud of both of them.

And I think that brings us up to date. Kam has that family campout coming up soon, and that is definitely going to warrant a post, so until then, give me warm thoughts and feelings about this camping trip, because I am starting to wonder if I'm tough enough for the Jensen/Perkin family.